Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out with a very full Sunday. During Morning worship we had three baby blessings and one baptism and confirmation. At Kids' Church we learned the story of the Hot Furnace, adding a page to our picture Bibles. The kids and the adults seemed to really relax and enjoy the project.

We had a substantially larger crowd at Evening Worship than we usually do. A few people came in from Towson, some who normally only come to Morning Worship came back for the evening, a few people brought friends, and some kids came and joined in. Afterward we shared in a potluck supper together. People stayed quite a while and enjoyed each other's company.

We have some teenagers at the church who are wanting to attend driving school so they can get their licenses. This is not only expensive but it's often difficult to get to locations that offer the classes. Tim, one of our members, teaches at a driving school and was talking with a parent about the procedures and expectations. Through the conversation came the idea to see if we could have the lessons taught at the church so that people could more easily attend. We're exploring the possibility.

I spent some extra time at the bank this week. They had again made errors on our signature card so we had to get it straightened out.

Two of the little ones who were blessed on Sunday morning were 3 year old twin girls. I saw them and their mother walking up the street on Tuesday. One of the girls greeted me with, "Hey! I saw you at my church last Sunday."

SonRisers was interesting. When we got to the church there was a box of school supplies someone had left for us blocking the front door. Once in we learned that the donut machine at the bakery was broken and we had no donuts. Danny and I ran up to Safeway and bought almost all the boxed sets of donuts they had. In our haste I didn't realize that we had been substantially overcharged for the purchase until reviewing the receipt at home. We had over 100 kids but they weren't too thrilled with the donut choices, especially since we didn't have any with chocolate frosting.

Throughout the week I worked on a postcard mailing. We do this once in a while to help encourage kids who participate in SonRisers to come to other activities, too. We had a few kids come to Pizza Church for the first time this Friday as a result. We also had a few other kids come to pizza church for the first time because the police were trying to clear the corner and we were a quick place they could get away to.

On Saturday afternoon the church hosted the Smead's renewal of their wedding vows in celebration of their 25th anniversary. Robert had flown home from Graceland University to be a part of it.

Saturday night brought Solid Rock Cafe. We had a little bit smaller crowd than usual and everyone behaved themselves quite well.

Looking ahead to next week we have our full schedule of activities. In addition we'll be having a cake after Evening Worship in celebration of Joshua's beginning trade school. Next Saturday is our Mission Center Discipleship Retreat and a Mission Center Leadership Team meeting.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:


Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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