Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday with Morning Worship. The topic for the morning was prayer so we studied some things Jesus taught about it then did an exercise in praying the scriptures together. Afterward Vonceil and I helped Violet fill out summer school and financial aid forms for her son. Vonceil was going to central office for the city schools this week so she was able to deliver the forms and save Violet a trip.

The annual bicycle "Tour du Parks" was this Sunday so the sponsors had a cookout in the park for everyone who wanted to come. Several people from the church walked over and had lunch there. We were able to walk over with Nate, a man who was a first-time visitor to the church that morning, and get to know him a little.

During Kids' Church we continued with our summer format. The activity the kids did was a weaving project. At Evening Worship we furthered our discussion of prayer.

We'd had some concerns about the air conditioner at the church so scheduled a service call for 9-9:30 Wednesday morning. They called the house at 7:50 wondering why no one was at the church to let them in. They tightened some belts and gave us some tips on making the system run more efficiently but otherwise couldn't find anything wrong.

Later Wednesday morning I was abet to visit Dave in the hospital and help him pack his suitcase for the trip back home to Maine. That night the Adult Disciples group continued their study of the Sermon on the Mount.

The fire alarm company was to come out Thursday morning to check the system and finish installation. They got down to needing one small cover plate to having the job complete. When the installer went to get it he found he had a flat tire. He did get the tire changed and returned with the plate. After over 8 months I was able to sign the forms saying that the system is installed.

That evening Danny and I changed out the banner on the front of the church. We are back to having our Bible School banner out inviting participation this August.

We had several warm, beautiful evenings this week. It was a great opportunity to get out and visit with people who were sitting on their steps enjoying the summer air.

On Friday morning I took Dave to the airport. With this being his first trip in a wheelchair we stayed together as long as we could. The airline gave me a pass to go through security with him so I was able to see him off at the gate.

We had smaller groups of kids at Pizza Church on Friday. I started getting the kids to sign their camp behavior contracts and gave them their packing lists for the week.

Finally, with summer upon us the schedule often gets turned upside down. With vacations, camps, and other travels "THIS WEEK at the POWER HOUSE" may be sporadic the next couple of months. If you don't get a copy please know that things are hectic and offer up some extra prayer for us.

Looking ahead to next week we have our regular schedule of activities. In addition we'll be making final preparations for camp and some of our other summer activities.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:


Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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