Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday with Morning Worship. Danny was sick and Gary wasn't there so Sue and Keith took care of setting out the Bibles and folding bulletins while Bryce greeted people and handed out the bulletins. The scripture for the message was Jesus walking on water.

The group at Kids' Church learned the story of the sheep and the goats. They then colored pictures and glued cotton on the sheep in the picture.

Between services I ran up to the University of Maryland Hospitals. Violet's son Jerry was back in for his continued battle with Leukemia and the related illnesses. From there I went back over to Shock/Trauma to check in on Dave, the motorcycle accident patient.

At evening worship we opened our prayer time over our upcoming Easter activities and asking God to help us connect with and invite people to participate in them.

On Monday Gloria took me to the airport to catch my flight to Tennessee. I was there for a church planting consultation with other folks managing similar ministries around the United States. I returned from it on Thursday evening.

Among other things while I was out, about 80 kids participated in SonRisers. The Adult Disciples group watched a video on mission work. For a variety of reasons, most of our CORE group meetings were cancelled this week. There was also some work on the fire alarm.

We were pleasantly surprised when we got this month's power bill. BGE actually came out and read the meter. In doing so, they discovered that they had over billed us by more than $600 in the past couple of months. Our total due was $0 and we have a credit for next month, too.

Pizza church was a little rough again this week. It's overdue for a reconfiguring/revamping so we've been throwing around some ideas we can experiment with over the next few months. We hope to have a new plan fully up and running by September.

We got the first of our donations to send kids to summer camp this year. We've got enough to send about 5 kids so far. We'll be beginning to seek sponsors for camperships this month so we can have the money available by the start of camp.

I was able to get to the hospital again at the end of the week to see Dave and Jerry. One was improving and the other deteriorating. They'll be in separate hospitals starting early next week so it'll be a bit more challenging to get to both of them.

On Saturday night Jenn and I took Forrest to Friendly's for ice cream. He had earned this trip by coming to church more than 40 times so far this year. He was a perfect gentleman on the trip and shared a lot about his hopes and plans for the future.

Looking ahead to next week we have our full schedule of activities. In addition, we'll be preparing our fliers for our Easter activities. Next Saturday is our monthly Solid Rock Cafe.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:


Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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