Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started our with an early phone call from Danny. He was sick and unable to clean and set up the church. I got there early to get some things cleaned up. Gary came in and completed setup of the furniture and prepared the bulletins. Tamara took care of setting up the communion emblems and Jenn arranged a worship center. We were pretty much ready when others began to arrive.

Our food pantry had been getting low so we encouraged people to bring in canned items for the food pantry as a part of our oblation offering. When I went to restock the cupboards I discovered that one of the cans that was already in the pantry had exploded. This has happened to several cans over the last couple of years. We can't seem to figure out what is making this happen repeatedly in our food pantry cupboards.

Since we were learning about fellowship, the group at Kids' Church learned their scripture verse then played games together for a while. After that we colored in a giant poster about the topic at hand.

I wasn't expecting very many people to come to Evening Worship due to the Superbowl. Though several of our "regulars" weren't there we had some other people participate so we were only slightly below our average attendance for a Sunday evening.

I got a message on the church's answering machine from a person who participated in last Saturday's Mission Center Leadership Team meeting. It seems his license plates were stolen off his car during the meeting. They were vanity plates so he wanted me to be able to recognize them in case they were floating around in the neighborhood.

We had a small but good crew of kids at SonRisers on Wednesday morning. I took some of the leftover donuts to the local middle school so that the staff there could enjoy them. That night the Adult Disciples group studied the book of Philippians together since it is the basis for much of the 40 Days of Community material.

I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to balance the church's check book this week. It's consistently off by $3 in our favor and the bank teller in me won't let it go. I'll try again next week.

We spent some hours this week organizing the Peacemobile project. We have the class schedule for the Catholic school finalized. I'll be taking the class schedule for our local elementary school on Wednesday for them to make sure that what we've got everything covered.

Friday brought Pizza Church. We had good attendance and participation in all three groups. Afterward, Tamara, Jenn, and I spent some time discussing camp plans for our kids.

Camp wasn't the only summer activity we spent time on this week. I know I'll be out of town four different weekends in June, July, and August so we lined up guest ministry for those weeks.

Two of our girls went on the mission center's ski retreat this weekend. I believe this is the third year they've participated in it. Heidi helped provide transportation.

Saturday evening brought our monthly Solid Rock Cafe. With the snow storm we had only a handful of kids. Therefore, Jenn and I got to spend more time playing games with the kids than monitoring behavior.

Looking ahead to next week we have our full schedule of activities. In addition, we'll be working with the schools to finalize the schedule for our upcoming Peacemobile visit.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:


Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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