Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday with our three services. We celebrated communion during Morning Worship. The kids reviewed Jesus' conversation with Peter found in the last chapter of John then made crafts about sheep. During Evening worship we had our business meeting for the consideration of Tamara's call to the office of Priest and Jenn's call to the office of Elder.

After the services we had at potluck. There were four boys age 5-8 playing in the dirt in the alley by the church. We invited them in to eat with us. I think they thought that they hit the jackpot. Afterward they helped clean up by rearranging the furniture for the next activity. It was hard to get them to actually leave once it was over and everyone else had gone home.

On Monday I had a knock on the door. Bill Bryan, a Seventy from the Philadelphia area was on his way through town and stopped by. We were able to visit for a while and take a quick tour of Pigtown.

Nearly 80 kids participated in Wednesday's SonRisers activities. That evening two of the kids that we fed at the potluck had their dad bring them back around to drop them off. Unfortunately, it was Adult Disciples time so we visited for a minute and made sure they had a schedule for Kids' Church.

Adult Disciples had an intense class. We only covered a couple of paragraphs in the book of James but they were hitting close to home with several of the people there. People really opened up and shared things and moved a step closer to some healing.

Throughout the week I spent a lot of time hunting down signatures for camp forms. As of this newsletter, we have 15 kids with signed forms and enough money on hand to send 8 of them. We'll be working on filling that gap.

A sudden downpour brought the kids waiting for Saturday's Solid Rock Cafe out of the street and under the canopy at the church. Though we thought the rain might reduce the size of the crowd we ended up with a good sized group. We were also joined by several of the young adults from the Springfield, Virginia, area.

Looking ahead to next week we'll have our regular schedule of activities. In addition, we have our monthly priesthood meeting after church Sunday evening. The Wednesday Narcotics Anonymous group will hold their group conscience after their regular meeting this week. Next weekend I'll be going to Lamoni, Iowa, to celebrate Robert's graduation from Graceland University.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:


Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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