Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy couple of weeks at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday, March 12, with Morning Worship. During it, we celebrated what God had done with us, to us, and through us during the Peacemobile visit. The scripture study was the Matthew account of Jesus feeding 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish. The kids made thank you cards at Kids' Church and the evening service provided an opportunity for the congregation to spend some time in prayer thanking God for the Peacemobile experience.

I got a phone call that Tuesday evening from a member of the Community of Christ in the Phoenix, Arizona, area. A man whose family was a part of the congregation there was in an serious motorcycle accident in Maryland over the weekend. Two family members were at the University of Maryland hospital and in need of support. I was able to connect with them that night and they, along with the man's fiancé who arrived a couple days later, were able to stay with us. One went home this Thursday and two will go home next week. His fiancé will be returning several times while he's in the hospital.

The city released its annual list of properties up for sale due to back taxes. This year the church was NOT on the list. Perhaps we've actually made some progress in keeping their paperwork accurate.

SonRisers the last two Wednesdays has had 65-75 kids participate. We've also had several participants earn t-shirts by saving their scripture cards.

I was at a retreat in Kirtland, Ohio, last weekend. Tamara, Jenn, and Brent ran Pizza Church. Gloria presided and she, Vonceil, Danny, and Jenn shared testimonies during Morning Worship. Jenn, Vonceil, and Shirley showed a Veggie Tale video at Kids Church. Danny lead the group at Evening Worship.

We have one kid scheduled to graduate from High School this spring. He and his mom began registering him at a local tech/trade school to study to become a certified electrician. Jenn and I have been helping them with the paperwork for financial aid.

The women's CORE group assembled care packages for local drug addicts. This was their community service project from the 40 Days of Community campaign. They'll be distributing them on the streets soon.

We had our monthly Priesthood meeting on Tuesday. We continued a visioning project as we look to how the congregation can be better in its ministries now that we have a space to do different things.

We had a handful of kids at each of the Pizza Church sessions this Friday. I got a phone call from Melody McNeil between sessions. She had just arrived from Afghanistan and was in town for the day. We were able to get together and visit for a few hours that night.
Saturday evening brought Sundae Church. We had exactly the same kids who attended the senior high session of Pizza Church the night before. That's a first.

Looking ahead to next week we have our full schedule of activities. In addition, I'll be attending a conference in Tennessee for a few days this week. The only activity that will be cancelled while I'm gone is men's CORE group.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:


Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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