Friday, January 15, 2010


It’s been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday with Morning Worship. We had some visitors from the Dundalk congregation worship with us during this service. Glen Ashley was here from Michigan for all three services of the day.

At Kids’ Church we acted out the story of the Good Samaritan. Afterward, the kids made a “God’s First Aid” kit.

We had a small group for Evening Worship due in part to bitter cold weather. Afterward, Tamara, Jenn, Glen, and I went out to dinner together.

Bryce and Glen toured the B&O Railroad Museum on Monday. That evening Glen flew back to Michigan.

Robert started his new job with Americorps on Tuesday. He will need to work some evenings and weekends so it will impact his church involvement. We should be able to plan around it accordingly.

SonRisers started out extremely slow on Wednesday morning. In the end, though, we ended up serving 104 kids. That night the Adult Disciples group continued its study of the book of Judges.

I got a call this week from a neighbor that her son had died. She asked if I could do the funeral service. The time and date had already been set so I had to verify things against my calendar. I called the funeral home just to double check the time and date and they informed me that there was already a minister assigned by the family. I called the woman back and learned that was they were actually looking for was money to pay for her son’s burial. That’s something we’re unable to do.

Friday night brought Pizza Church. We had an unusually large group for the first session and unusually small groups for the other two sessions. Since there were just a couple of people at the senior high group that impacted participation in Saturday night’s Sundae Church as kids didn’t get their reminders that this was the weekend for it.

Looking ahead to next week we’ll have our regular schedule of activities. In addition, we’ll be making final preparations for our party during the “Big Game” a week from Sunday (2/3/08).

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:










Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at

The Power House

“Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now”

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