Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started Sunday with Morning Worship. During the service we focused on Jesus' question to Peter, "Who do you say that I am?" At Kids' Church we learned about Solomon. We just had a couple of people come to see the Ravens win their football game.

That evening we had a larger group for Evening Worship. Among them were some of the young adults who had attended football games earlier in the season. They also brought friends and family with them. One shared that she would be interviewing on Wednesday for a position as a 911 operator. The service ended with a potluck dinner. Right at that time several older high school aged kids (16-18 years old) showed up. They waited for everyone to go through the line then got food and joined in the fellowship.

There was some concern this week about the skateboard park. A couple of people decided that it was unsafe and started to try to get it closed and demolished. After some meetings last weekend and early in the week things settled down and their proposal changed to ways of improving the park rather than demolishing it.

107 kids participated in Wednesday's SonRisers activities. Damon came in at the end having missed his bus looking for a ride to school. I couldn't leave right then so he helped pick up garbage and get our sign from the corner to help speed up the process. I was able to run him over to the school and he was able to take the PSAT as scheduled.

The Adult Disciples group started a study of 1Timothy this Wednesday night. Ms. Dee came and joined with us for the class. She had been to Bible School this summer with her grandchildren and had been trying to come to some things ever since.

A couple women from the "Sisters in Spirit" NA group came early on Thursday to take part in the exercise group. My parents had arrived in town for a visit earlier that day so my dad participated in Men's CORE Group that night as well.

Friday brought Pizza Church. We had several kids arguing about what grade they were in and which group (if any) they could participate in. It's amazing how many kids get promoted in school between 6 and 7 p.m. on Friday nights. The first two groups learned the story of David and Goliath while the third group continued its study of the Gospel of Mark.

In trying to keep up with some our our kids I spent some time at this week. Overall, it's a disturbing experience to see just what we're up against with the kids.

Looking ahead to next week we have our full schedule of activities. In addition, we have a priesthood meeting on Tuesday evening. Next Saturday evening is our monthly Sundae Church.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following families in the forefront of your prayers:

the Burley family
the Cox family
the Coffman family
the Wagner family
the Epifanio family
the Stallings family
the Doggett family
the Barrett family

Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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