Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday with 8+ inches of snow on the ground. This limited the crowd size throughout the day. Those who did come, though, had a sense of victory for having trudged through the snow to get there. Our topic was "Encourage One Another" so they were in the right frame of mind.

Between services I was shoveling off the sidewalk and steps at my house while the neighbor kids were having a snowball fight. As I got to the stoop of the house next to mine I started shoveling them off for the woman who lives there. The kids stopped playing and came over to me. "Is she your relative?" they asked. "Did she ask you to do this?" When I answered "no" to both questions they asked, "Then WHY are you doing this?" "Just being neighborly," I said as I continued to work. They shook their heads in bewilderment then resumed their snowball fight.

That much snow on the weekend put lost of kids on sleds on the hills in the park instead of at Kids' Church. Evening worship was also small but both services were still good.

I got a notice this week that the church was scheduled to go up for tax sale. We've been trying for nearly six years to a.) get the city to mail bills and notices to the right address; and b.) recognize that we are tax exempt. Obviously, we have yet to be successful. I'm collecting copies of past bills to send to the legal department at headquarters to see if they can be more successful the we have been.

Wednesday brought SonRisers, Narcotics Anonymous, and Adult Disciples. We had about 65 kids at SonRisers. The Adult Disciples group took an in-depth look at how the first church was described in Acts 2 and envisioned how that would look in our neighborhood today.

I went to the elementary school this week to make sure that the schedule we'd made for the Peacemobile didn't have any errors in it. I wasn't able to talk with the principal so I left a note instead. We've also begun to fill in our volunteer sheet for while it is here. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available so if you are interested in helping please drop me a line.

Brent came down to help at Pizza Church this Friday. It was his first trip to the new building and was a good chance for him to touch base with kids he knew from camp.

Speaking of camp, Tamara and Jenn have agreed to direct Junior High Camp this summer. They've been starting to organize and plan for this event.

The end of the week brought high winds. These winds took some of the shingles off the roof of the old part of the building. The winds were to continue for much of the weekend so we'll look at getting it repaired the first of the week.

Looking ahead to next week we have our full schedule of activities. In addition, we'll have a priesthood meeting on Tuesday. Saturday is our monthly Sundae Church with the senior high kids. We'll also be getting materials to the local teachers in preparation for the Peacemobile visit.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:


Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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