Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday with Morning Worship. Tim brought the message and Shawna and Gloria served communion. During Kids' Church we switched to our summer format. We had a chance for people to share their camp experiences during Evening Worship.

After Evening Worship I took communion up to Tamara in the hospital. It was the first time she'd had communion since she was ordained so she read the prayers and I served the emblems to her dad and her.

Tamara's last day in the hospital was Monday. She was released on Tuesday and is staying with her parents for the start of her recovery.

On Tuesday we spent the day at Six Flags. We only had one kid earn a trip there so it was more manageable than in some years past. We also ran into a couple of other kids from Pigtown who were there that day.

With Wednesday being Independence Day we cancelled Adult Disciples. Wednesday's Narcotics Anonymous group, however, met as scheduled. They had more people show up than they had anticipated for a holiday.

On Thursday Rachel and I attacked the storage closet. When we moved into the building we piled things in there and said we'd get to it later. Needless to say it was quite a mess. We removed everything, swept, mopped, threw out many items, then assembled and installed shelving. We spent about 7 hours working on it. There's still a bit of organization that needs to be done but things are now accessible and clean.

That night before Men's Group, Danny filled up his pickup truck with bulk trash items from the closet. Men's Group will stop meeting for the rest of the summer and will resume around the time school starts.

The women at the Thursday NA meeting were appalled that Rachel hadn't had a Maryland crab cake and that I didn't do seafood. They began coming up with a plan to take her out to get some while she's here.

We ran errands much of the day on Friday. Among the stops was the Maryland Bible Society's shop. We bought a couple of cases of Bibles to replace the ones we've given away over the past year. We were also able to get some free Bible School materials and prizes.

Friday night brought Pizza Church. This was the first full week with kids in their new age groupings and the first for most of the kids to see the new attendance prizes for the coming year. All three groups were especially well behaved and attentive.

I got a call on Saturday that Julia was in the hospital. I got to her room to visit her right about the same time the doctor came in with the results from her tests. She's very difficult of hearing so I was able to help translate and fill in some blanks for the doctor.

That afternoon I visited with some people in their homes. As a result we now have four baptism instead of two scheduled for next weekend.

When I stopped by Jenn's house to share that good news I was surprised to find Tamara there. She had gotten in not long before and was planning on spending the night there.

Looking ahead to next week we'll have our regular schedule of activities. In addition, we have our monthly Priesthood Meeting after Evening Worship this Sunday. $.01 sales on school supplies start at Staples this week so we'll begin stocking up for our upcoming distribution. On Thursday we'll take the kids who earned a trip to see the Orioles play to a game at Camden Yards. Friday night we have a baptism at Pizza Church and Saturday is our monthly Solid Rock Cafe. We also have Mission Center Reunion activities next weekend in Springfield, Virginia.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:


Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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