Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday with a small group at Morning Worship. This was expected as a few people were going to the ordination service at Dundalk and some others had told me they had to work that morning. We started a series on the topic of "Adding Value to People" by focusing on loving our neighbor by encouraging, equipping, and empowering them.

During Kids' Church we learned the story from Luke 4:16-30. The kids made stand-up crosses out of foam to remind them to make church participation their custom as well.

Around 5:00 several guests arrived. They included church president Steve Veazey and Cathi Cackler-Veazey, Kris and Peter Judd, Dave and Gail Anderson, and Bill Pennington. They had been at the Dundalk celebrations for the weekend and were gracious enough to join us for the evening. I took the three who hadn't spent time in Pigtown before on a walking tour of the neighborhood prior to the service.

We changed the format of the 6:00 service a bit this week focusing the bulk of the time on testimonies. Many people from the congregation and several of the guests shared their stories with the group. Afterward we had a potluck dinner which also included nachos and wings which were left over from the previous Sunday's Super Bowl party.

Two things hit on Tuesday. One was an ice storm and the other was some kind of stomach virus. The ice closed down all the activities at the church on Wednesday and Thursday except for the Narcotics Anonymous meeting. Had the ice not come most of the things on this week's schedule would have been cancelled anyway due to me being ill.

We were open again on Friday evening for Pizza Church. With all the ice we only had a few kids for the entire evening.

On Saturday we took Davon to Friendly's for ice cream. He had earned the trip by attending church over 40 times since last June. We were surprised that after a week of bitter cold, snow, and ice the place was full.

Looking ahead to next week we'll have our regular schedule of activities. In addition, Dave Anderson will be joining us for Pizza Church. Tamara and Jenn will be participating in the mission center's ski retreat next weekend.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following families in the forefront of your prayers:

the Sugars family
the Mudd family
the Cain family
the Walker family
the Purnell family
the Powers family
the Smallwood family
the Smead family

Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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