Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday when Danny tried to mop the floor. The grit we had put in the paint to keep the floor from being too slippery was working a little better than it should and was shredding the mop as he tried to clean. I went to Home Depot later in the week to find out what went wrong and to find out how to fix it. We'll be working on this in the weeks to come.

Morning Worship brought out a good group of people. At the end of the service we had a request for baptism and for two baby blessings. They are scheduled for Sunday, October 8.

The kids continued their learning of the story of Noah during Kids' Church. Interestingly, as soon as church began it started pouring rain. Once the kids finished their craft the rain stopped so they were able to stay dry going home.

Prior to Evening Worship I got to visit Bobby. He was released from jail and put on house arrest with an ankle monitor. He was to get in touch with his officer to get the paperwork so he could come out of the house for church each week. Once that can happen he wants to bring his infant daughter for her blessing.

We cancelled this month's priesthood meeting which had been scheduled for Tuesday evening. We had a lot of high-stress things going on in people's personal lives and needed any extra rest they could get. We covered the urgent things via email and postponed the remainder until October.

We had 119 kids participate in SonRisers on Wednesday morning. That evening after the Narcotics Anonymous meeting the Adult Disciples group continued their study of the Gospel of Mark. Shirley also delivered a piece of cake for me from her 70th birthday party which she celebrated on Monday.

We learned this week that Josh finally got his diploma. He officially finished high school back in early August but actually getting his diploma has been quite an ordeal. He is now free to start trade school in October.

Several people have been asking about our annual candle sale. We were able to set it up this week and will be doing this the 14-28 of October.

While running this week's copies at Staples on Thursday I visited with Jackie about baptism. She was going to check her schedule to see if she could do so on October 8.

Friday night brought Pizza Church. We had good lessons and discussions in each group.

Jenn, Tamara, and I went to Philadelphia for the day on Saturday for some training in ministry with urban youth. We discussed on the way home that the presentations did a good job at framing and discussing some of the challenges but didn't give much in the way of overcoming them.

Looking ahead to next week we have our full schedule of activities. In addition we're hoping to get our new banner/sign installed on the Glyndon Avenue side of the building. We'll also be making preparations for the upcoming baby blessings and baptisms.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:

Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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