Friday, January 15, 2010


It’s been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday with Morning Worship. During the message we reviewed the year’s topic of “Love Your Neighbor” through encouraging, equipping, and empowering them and how God has done that for us individually and collectively. We then opened the floor for people to share testimonies of how they’ve been encouraged, equipped, and empowered throughout 2007.

After the service people took home their recycling bins. We distributed most of what we had of the large ones and all of our small ones. We have a waiting list for those. Bryce helped people carry them home.

During Kids’ Church we reviewed portions of the Christmas story. We then made thank you notes for people who had blessed us during the season.

As that group was leaving, Dave and Gail Anderson arrived. I had my annual performance review with Dave between services.

With bitter cold weather and several people out sick we had a small group for Evening Worship. While that was happening, the young adults were watching the final Ravens game of the season. Tamara had cooked food for the group. They had also found it being broadcast in HD on a cable channel we’re not supposed to be getting so we they had a little extra bonus for the game, too.

I got an email from a woman who has been at the church for some of the community meetings we’ve had there. She’s looking for a new meeting location for another group she’s in. We’re hoping it can work out that our facilities and their schedule coordinate.

School started back on Wednesday and so did SonRisers. 58 kids participated in the activities. That evening we had a good sized group at the NA meeting and a small group for Adult Disciples.

Before Christmas the folks at the village center indicated that we could get some additional recycling bins from them. I learned this week that they only had the large bins which we already have plenty of and that we’ll need to wait longer for the smaller ones to be available.

All three Thursday night groups met this week. With the holidays the schedules had been so scattered that we haven’t had all three groups there the same week in quite a while. In addition, the NA group had an anniversary for one of its members.

Just before Pizza Church on Friday Robert announced that he got the job he’d been hoping for. He’ll be starting on January 22. Ebony, his fiancé, also starts a new job with the US Postal Service that same day.

During Pizza Church the first two groups made New Year’s Resolutions while the third group continued its study of the Gospel of Mark. This week was the half way point between last summer’s camp and next summer’s camp.

On Saturday night Jenn came over to the church to do some decorating work. She took down the Christmas decorations and then put out new table cloths, candle holders, candles, and much more to give the place a fresh look for the new year.

Looking ahead to next week we’ll have our regular schedule of activities. In addition, I’ll be making a quick trip to church headquarters in Independence, Missouri, the first part of the week. The Citizens of Pigtown will be meeting at the church on Tuesday evening. Next Saturday is our monthly Solid Rock Café.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:










Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at

The Power House

“Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now”

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