Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It’s been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started our Sunday with Morning Worship. The topic was Thankfulness and focused on the root of our thanks. At Kids’ Church we learned about Thanksgiving then made a centerpiece for our thanksgiving tables. The young adults watched the Ravens lose their game.

That evening we had around 70 people at Evening Worship, most of whom were first-time visitors. During the service we had 8 children brought before the congregation for a sacramental blessing. Two infants were children of young adults who were very active in the congregation during their teen years. The other six kids (ages 2-6) were relatives of Charlene. Ron and Earl assisted with the blessings. We had a relaxed and joy-filled service.

After the service we had our annual “dessert only” potluck. People brought in all kinds of cakes, brownies, pies, cookies, fruits, and the like. Everyone ate ample amounts of sweets and visited for about an hour after the end of the service. Everything was cleaned up and people left just in time for me to participate in a conference call with the other pastors in the mission center.

My computer has been having significant and growing problems for several months. It all came to a head last weekend so amid all the other activities on Sunday I was trying to reformat my hard drive. Some young adults from the area had gone to a Christian rock concert in downtown Baltimore on Sunday night so Greg was able to stop by around 10:00 that night and help me with the process.

Our schedule was a little different this week due to Thanksgiving. We had good participation in SonRisers and the Narcotics Anonymous on Wednesday but didn’t have any other scheduled activities that day or on Thursday. Our new T-shirts came in on Wednesday so we sorted them and got them ready for distribution.

Throughout the week we worked on two of 4 mailings we’ll be doing in the next few weeks. One is about discipleship during Advent, one is a general SonRisers follow-up mailing, the third is for promoting the Petting Zoo and the bake sale on December 9, and the final one is for our Christmas Eve Service.

Friday night brought Pizza Church. Many of our regulars weren’t there but 5 kids participated for the first time this year making up for it. The groups were all a bit “behaviorally challenged” that night.

Our monthly Sundae Church was on Saturday evening. Much of the conversation over the ice cream focused on football teams. This was a wonderfully appropriate conversation which isn’t often the case.

Looking ahead to next week we’ll have our full schedule of activities. In addition, we’ll have our annual business meeting on Wednesday during Adult Disciples time. This will be followed by our monthly priesthood meeting. Throughout the week we’ll be distributing our Advent daily devotional books. Next Saturday is our Mission Center Conference near Richmond, Virginia.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following families in the forefront of your prayers:

the Shorter family

the Johnson family

the Bryant family

the Wagner family

the Bookhultz family

the King family

the Poykko family

the Griffiths family

Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at

The Power House

“Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now”

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