Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been a busy week at the Power House in Baltimore, Maryland.

It started out Sunday with Morning Worship. We took the time to look back at people who had helped shape our faith.

After the service I made a quick run to Radio Shack. They had a sale on Sunday and Monday only on MP3 players. We got one for the church to help complete our transition from CDs to MP3s. We used it for the first time at Evening Worship.

Kids' Church was a bit crazy. We did sidewalk chalk for the craft and the kids were out of control. After getting them cleaned up and settled down we couldn't get several of them to leave. We ended up having to physically remove them from the building.

It was Erin's birthday and since she and Tamara were the only members of the young adult group that were in town this weekend they went out to eat to celebrate. They were able to do this between Kids' Church and Evening worship instead of at the usual time.

Evening worship marked 8 years for the Andersons in Pigtown. We talked about that along with prayer concerns during Evening Worship. Charlene, who is new to the congregation, and I were able to visit for quite a while before the service and I was able to hear her story of how she's gotten to this point in her life. Bryce ran the overhead projector.

Though the truck show ended last Saturday evening, the fencing around the park remained in place. Some people knocked a large portion of it down on Monday. It was removed on Tuesday.

Nearly 70 kids participated in SonRisers on Wednesday morning. That evening the Adult Disciples finished their study of the stories of Jesus as he healed people.

We had lots of odds and ends to tackle this week. We reserved a cake for our graduation celebration scheduled for this coming Sunday evening. We made a trip to Ikea to stock up on candles for use in the services. We also bought a 12X12 piece of carpet to lay out to define an activity center during Kids' Church.

I got a call from Violet Friday morning saying that her son would need to be in summer school and would not graduate as scheduled. The high school did not follow proper protocol in dismissing him from the graduation exercises and it could rightly be contested. But, since it was the Friday and graduation is on Sunday there was really nothing we could do about it. He was scheduled to start trade school in July but that is now being rescheduled as well.

Friday night brought Pizza Church. We had the largest senior high session we've ever had at Pizza Church and that didn't include the kids we had to chase away because of their setting off fire crackers and fireworks in front of the church doors.

Danny and I took Davon to Friendly's on Saturday. He had earned a trip there for ice cream by attending church more than 40 times in the past 12 months. He had never been there before. I don't think he'd ever been to a "sit down restaurant" before as he was quite amazed at the whole process. He had what may be the most thoroughly enjoyed banana split ever.

Looking ahead to next week we have our regular schedule of activities. In addition we'll be having graduation cake on Sunday evening even though we currently have no one graduating. We'll also have the last SonRisers of the school year this Wednesday morning.

Along with the individuals and activities mentioned, please keep the following individuals in the forefront of your prayers:


Thank you for your continued prayer support.

Jeff and everyone at
The Power House
"Building the Kingdom of God Here and Now"

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